Use awareness and choice to spark daily revolutions

Have you ever felt like you’re running on auto-pilot? Research suggests that unconscious habits and patterns play a major role in our daily lives. In somatic coaching, we call these patterns "conditioned tendencies."

Conditioned tendencies are automatic responses we've developed over time to help us get through challenges, feel safe, and meet our basic needs. They're like a shortcut or a hack, but like any hack, they can become outdated. Imagine conditioned tendencies as a well-meaning but overly enthusiastic friend who keeps showing up to your parties uninvited. Sometimes they're helpful! But other times, they can be disruptive or even embarrassing.

One of my conditioned tendencies is to constantly read the room and try to "fix" situations. For example, at a dinner party, I might find myself overly focused on making sure everyone feels included. But guess what? That's not my job! My job is to enjoy the conversation and be present with the people around me.

We all have conditioned tendencies, and the good news is, becoming aware of them is a superpower! With awareness comes CHOICE. As Thomas Hübl writes in "The Art of Transparent Communication," 

“The moment I react, I have no future; I become bound only to physical, mental, and emotional habits belonging to the past. Whatever I say or do comes from prior conditioning rather than from a novel or creative approach to the present. But if my conditioned patterns haven’t solved my problems before, they’re unlikely to do so now. Re-solving is about finding a new solution.”

Wooohooo! NEW solutions, rooted in awareness and creativity! That’s what I’m looking for! These new solutions allow us to create micro-revolutions every day. And just imagine what the ripple effect of daily micro-revolutions might be? Maybe we change how we show up in our families? The contributions we make to our communities? The impact our communities have on the world?

Ready to identify your sneaky tendencies, get off auto-pilot, and create some revolutions? Send me a message to set up a free consultation!


What Habits Do You Practice?


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