Find Joy and Success

By Building a Values-Aligned Business Model - a TOol that will support you through your entire business Journey!

Create an Actionable Business model for sustainable and enjoyable business Growth through AN 8 week coaching program.

In this personalized, somatics-informed experience you will design your business model canvas embedding your values into each element so you create something you love, that’s sustainable, and that will bring freedom and joy as you “work.”

(Never heard of a “business model canvas”? That’s OK - I hadn’t either! It’s simply a graphic tool - a tool that when built well, will support you through the entire life of your business by providing you grounding, structure, and clear direction so you act from a crystal clear and inspired place!)

The Values-Aligned Business Model Canvas coaching program is for emerging business owners who need an assist with business fundamentals so they can unleash their expertise and move forward with clarity and confidence.

Program Benefits

  • Understand and integrate your core values into your business model. By starting here, we ensure that what you’re working on is aligned with who you are and how you want to BE and DO in your business. Don’t skip it!

  • Define your ideal customer and craft a unique value proposition. Ensuring you know who you serve is essential - the more specific and values-aligned, the better for great marketing and YOUR long term enjoyment.

  • A complete business model canvas covering offerings, communication strategies, and financial structure is a tool you will return to throughout your entrepreneurial journey. Making it strong and unique to your business dreams allows you to act from a place of clarity and confidence!

  • This means freedom and ease! With a values-aligned model in place, you’ll get to make business decisions knowing you have intentionally set cornerstones that support you and your offerings.

  • Communicate your business model and values compellingly to you audience and/or funders. Marketing becomes a breeze when you know who you are, who you aren’t, who you serve, who you don’t, what you offer, and where you are not willing to compromise.

  • Enhance your intuition and authenticity through somatic practices. Daily practices ground you and your business. They also provide tools for gut-checking your choices and keeping you in integrity with yourself!

unlock the power of your values: Build a Business that aligns with who you are

It is time to invest in yourself

If you’re here, now, I believe it’s for an important reason! You want to make sure your business suits you from the beginning. You want to ensure that the dream in your heart has the impact you believe it can. By building a strong foundation with intentionality and thoughtfulness - rooted in what you really want, you’ll be able to deliver that impact faster, more consistently, and with WAY more enjoyment along the way!

In this 8 week program, you’ll explore what’s most meaningful to you, what brings you joy, and what habits and patterns you’re ready to leave in the past. Using the power of somatic coaching, we’ll tap into your instinct and intuition, your body’s sensations, your emotions, and your thoughts to see what really works for you and what doesn’t. With this knowledge and new practices, you can be certain that what you’re building is solid, sustainable, and satisfying!

In this 8 week program, You’ll get…

  • Discover the core essence of who you are and how you envision your business journey. Through insightful conversations, we'll unravel your central values, define them with clarity, observe how they shape your life, and bring them to life in a tangible, embodied manner.

  • Craft a comprehensive blueprint for your business success with my 10-part canvas. Define your target audience, articulate your purpose, establish effective communication strategies, outline your product offerings, and strategize for financial prosperity.

  • Embark on a transformative journey with 8 personalized coaching sessions. Through infusing your offerings with your unique values and grasping essential business principles, each session is meticulously tailored to guide you towards clarity and freedom.

  • Engage in immersive exercises designed to delve deeply into every aspect of your business model. Utilize session-specific worksheets and insightful inquiries that we’ll then explore during our time together.

  • Navigate the exhilarating yet daunting terrain of business planning with daily grounding practices. Stay anchored and focused as you embark on this fulfilling journey, ensuring a balanced approach to achieving your dreams.

What my co-Conpsirators have said

  • WORKING WITH MAGGIE HAS BEEN SUCH A GIFT. Every time I'm in her presence I know I'll walk away with new perspectives, shifts and groundedness. I feel safe in her presence and her listening skills are top notch.

    Nicole, Coaching Client

  • Maggie helped us focus in on our target audiences and articulate our differentiators in the market, and what we bring to clients for solutions. She also has such a wealth of organization leadership experience that she saved us enormous time and frustration by working out our workflows in our small, sometimes overwhelmed, outfit. The best part was that Maggie is fun to work with and infused us with energy and optimism every time we met.

    Ted, Coaching Client

  • With her keen insight, compassion, and deep commitment to meeting her clients where they are, Maggie stays with them, helping to move them forward, where other consultants might move onto their next assignment. As groups and organizations experience the world (and themselves) in new and deeply profound ways, the result is real transformation.

    Chris, Co-Conspirator + Collaborator

program pricing

  • Tier 1


    For clients who identify as BBIPoC or LGBTQ+, this rate is for you. All rates include full program. Contact me to learn more about why I use tiered pricing.

  • Tier 2


    For clients who identify as White and economically stable, this rate is for you. All rates include full program. Contact me to learn more about why I use tiered pricing.

  • Tier 3


    For clients who identify as White and economically advantaged, this rate is for you. All rates include full program. Contact me to learn more about why I use tiered pricing.

Let’s  get  started

Hi, I’m Dr. Maggie Red! I’m a long-time overachiever and striver, but I am slowly and surely finding my way back to myself. Perhaps that sounds familiar to you!?

In working with clients to develop their business model canvases, I draw on decades of experience in executive leadership, adult education, social justice advocacy - and I blend it with a bit of what some might call “woo woo” but are really just pathways to knowing yourself and coming into alignment: somatic coaching, strengths attunement, enneagram, astrology, meditation, and movement practices.

All these tools help me support folks in their entrepreneurial journey with knowledge, compassion, and fierce follow through.

This work matters to me because when people are finding fulfillment and joy in their work, they move through the world with confidence and enthusiasm. They are the high-vibe best versions of themselves. And, frankly, this world needs THAT energy!


How much time do i need to commit for each session?

Each of our sessions is 75 minutes. You’ll likely spend 2-3 hours thinking about your business, completing worksheets and inquiries, and preparing for each of our meetings. Your total time will depend on how much of a foundation you already have in place, how sturdy that foundation is, and how much you want to invest in the program.

What if I need to miss a session?

I’m always happy to reschedule! I respect your time and preparedness and trust that you’ll do the same. I do ask for 24 hours notice to reschedule, and I understand that life happens - that’s OK! After all, this program is all about weaving your business dreams with your everyday life.

Can i continue coaching after the program ends?

Absolutely! Many clients find they want accountability or a sounding board after the program ends, and I’m happy to support you with those needs. Other clients find they love the somatic exploration and would like to deepen their connection to themselves. All of that is available through one-on-one coaching. Depending on your needs, I also love connecting clients to other practitioners who can support your continued growth!

Additional questions?

Feel free to email me!