I’m building an aligned life everyday, and I want to help you do the same!

For decades, I practiced excellence. I followed a set path, did it really well, received accolades, worked hard, grabbed the next rung on the ladder and hoisted myself up! As the first in my house to go to college, I proved myself by getting great grades, going to graduate school, getting a PhD, becoming a faculty member, earning a leadership position, and building cool stuff - curricula, teams, programs, new businesses!

What I somehow managed to miss was ME - who I was at my core, what mattered to me, how I wanted to BE and DO in the world.

So for the last several years, I’ve been on one of those “journeys” everyone seems to talk about! I’ve been going back to my source to get to know myself so that I can BE her fully, joyfully, and without apology! Now, I support others to do the same.

I draw on my decades of experience in social justice advocacy, executive leadership, organizational performance, and education - and I blend it with lots of things that may seem a bit “woo” but are really just pathways to knowing yourself and coming into alignment: somatic coaching, strengths attunement, enneagram familiarity, astrology, meditation, and movement practices. It’s way more fun than the prescribed path of my early career, and it all helps me meet people where they are and support people on their own new and chosen paths… whatever those look like!

Approach & Values

Sustaining change is simpler than you may think.

My approach is centered around deep listening and thoughtful collaboration. Together we will create a custom coaching experience that is designed to meet your needs or the needs or your organization. We will identify goals and values then align them with everyday practices and behaviors to create lasting change.

COre values

Resonance: felt-sense of shared meaning and interconnection

Sustained Effort: commitment to on-going practices for growth and evolution

Compassion: valuing the worthiness and humanity of ourselves and others

Confident Belief: a disposition that prizes faith, hope, and our capacity to BE and DO better

dr. Red’s SuperPowers

I am an extraordinary presence. I listen deeply. I help my clients connect dots in order to bring clarity and meaning to their experiences.

I build superhero teams of collaborators. I love gathering the smartest, wisest partners I know and bringing their expertise and enthusiasm to benefit projects and clients.

I am an intellectually and spiritually deep partner. The surface holds little interest for me. I want to dive into the deep end. I ask provocative questions. I challenge the status quo. I strive for depth of experience, of solutions, and of outcomes.

influences & Tools

  • Somatic-Informed Coaching

  • Racial Equity Tools

  • People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond

  • Trauma-Sensitive Coaching

  • Research Methods for Assessment and Evaluation

  • Adult Learning Theories and Methods

  • Business Design and Planning for Start-Ups and solopreneurs

  • PhD in Communication & Media Studies